The Effects Of New Technology In Wwi

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Wilson proudly declared WW1 as a "war to end all wars." However, ironically, the Great War was also the war where the newest and most lethal machines were experimented upon the newly mobilized troops. Only through these cold and logical experiments did strategists comprehend the bloodshed the weapons were capable of. When the weapons were unleashed, tens of thousands could be killed daily. Thus, countries adapted, copied, and utterly shattered the old ideals of warfare. The war of the past has become the war of the future through intoxicating and gunning down millions. Compare that to the atomic bombs that we have today. The weapons and strategies of the Napoleonic era were futile with these new inventions, chemical gas and the automatic weapon. This new technology forced generals to refute the strategies of old, and embrace a new, modern, tactic. The Germans first used poison gas in the second battle of Ypres on September 22, 1915. "It is believed that the Germans, who charged in behind the vapor, met no resistance at all, the French at their front being virtually paralyzed." (Irwin A1). A month later Britain created their own chemical weapons because if they didn't then Germany would be the first country to win the war because of technology. That tactic of duplicating others' weapons in wars has occurred many times in the past and now. In WW2, when the U.S. created the atomic bomb, other countries followed and created their own atomic bomb. Also the use of poison gas proved that Germany didn't care about honor and courage of the old wars and just wanted to win. This also occurred in the Second World War when the U.S. had used the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on a populated city because they wanted to win the war by any means possible. When a country decides to use new technology other countries must adapt. When Germany released
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