Jonathan Swift Rhetorical Analysis

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All stories are created in order to in someway draw a reader in and to create some type of emotions. Jonathan Swift choose to use sarcasm and biting wit and later shock value as his writing style in order to get people thinking about some extremely serious subject matter. Jonathan Swift has written many pieces of litature, he is mainly known for his writing of Gulliver’s Travels but his rise to fame was his essay of A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick. Swift is grabbing his readers’ attention through a well used means of communication, a political pamphlet. Through a well educated and in a voice of a proper…show more content…
He writes this essay as they (English Protestants) are his main audience. He is spreading through pamphlets that no matter how hard the Irish work and try to survive, that the Protestants are working against them by charging high rents, so that no matter what is made, it all goes back to their landlords to pay their rent and to feed their children. It still though is never enough. Because of this, many turned into beggars and thieves. He states that you can not walk down the towns’ streets without seeing mothers with children hanging off of them, in the doorways selling sex or simply begging for a scrape of food in order to provide for the many children that they have. It is also implied that there is not an honest man among the towns’ folk that because there is not enough work to be had, many turn to stealing and being a thief in order to get goods or food. Swift has lost faith in the government in trying to come up with reasonable solutions to ease the despair of the poor. He feels that it is actually the high rulers that are abusing and oppressing the…show more content…
He writes that he has been making suggestions for a very long time and that the higher ups have both pushed him out of the circle and completely ignored any reasonable efforts that have been put fourth. He is angry that no one is making any type of effort to help the poor and he is angry that the Protestants are afraid to take any actions in fear of retribution from the England government. He is saying that as a sector, we all have to work together in order to make the lives of one and all better. The people of England need to buy from the people of England and not from other countries. He is saying that the government needs to help the Irish farmers but purchasing their produce and that the landlords need to have more heart for their tenets and help them if money is short instead of packing them up and kicking them off the land. So, he puts out there a shocking suggestion of the selling and eating of children as a means to an end of the poverty, despair and dependence of the all the poor on the government. Did he mean it truly? No, I don’t think anyone took it as a serious meaningful suggestion. What Jonathan Swift wanted to achieve was to allow people to read and form an emotion and to get angry at his absurd, inhuman suggestion and come up with some of their own suggestions. To put fourth any type of effort to help end all the woes of the time. Swift wants people
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