Johne Locke -Second Treatise og Government

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10/27/08 Petra Keilova PSCI 3370 John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government Question #1: What does Locke mean by the state of nature? Why is this idea important for him? The state of nature is explained as an idea of a perfect freedom of a human being to be in charge of his actions and his property. By property Locke means human being’s body and things that are created by that human being’s body. The idea is important for Locke because I believe it is sort of a foundation for the whole Locke’s philosophy. All people are free to direct their own affairs and property within the confines of natural law and the state of nature embodies the law of nature, and exists according to its principles. The state of nature is one of harmonious peace, and this peace is the result of natural law. Question#2: What is Locke’s conception of natural law? How is it related to civil law? The natural law is against the government of one human being. It guarantees the equality, independence, and the right to be in charge of one’s own life, family, and property. Locke holds that everybody is equal and that a single human being has no right to govern, because government should be managed by all people, or more precisely by people’s majority. The natural law does not constrain freedom but according to Locke is should preserve and even broaden the freedom. The natural law directs free and reasonably thinking human beings. Everybody has a right to punish violations against the law. The one, who breaks the law, lives by different rules of reason and general fairness, and therefore he is the person involved in the war against all humans and the one who loses such war can be executed or become a slave (which is the only way how to become one), but other than that he is free all his life. Locke makes each participant of an argument a judge but to

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