John Tordode - Red Meat

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In the article ‘Why we all need to eat red meat’ by MasterChef’s Johan Torode, he uses various methods and techniques in order to persuade the reader of the advantages of eating red meat. The first thing noticeable about this article is the bold typography used initially to capture the attention of the intended audience. Another factor that has the same immediate effect is the quote ‘MasterChef’s Johan Torode’ in the title, his name is easily relatable to food and the famous food programme which therefore implies he knows what he is saying when it comes to the topic of red meat. The title’s set up is also very blunt and to the point, ‘why we need to eat red meat’ which makes the reader think that John Torode’s opinion is really a fact. The next element that stands out is the picture of a women eating red meat, the picture looks appealing and will encourage the reader to eat it and directly underneath is a bold quote that names all the positives about eating what you can see in the picture, “A steak kebab is not only a good source of protein but contains essential vitamins and minerals, too”. The paragraph before the first picture is a short story from John’s past. It was put in to point out that in the past, red meat in England was of very poor quality and in some places was not even available to consumption; this fact makes the reader feel as if they’re lucky to have red meat

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