John Ruskin: Poet, Poet And Art Criticism

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John Ruskin (1819-1900) was a British painter, writer, scientist, poet, philosopher and art critic and is considerbeing the most significant supporter of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. He was born in London in 1819. He was strongly influenced by J.M.W Turner .
For the first time, in 1843, Ruskin presents his artistic philosophy when he published Modern Painters I. Starting as a defense of Turner’s works the book turn to a master piece in art criticism. In Ruskin’s vision, the goal of the artist was truth to nature, to see moral as well as material truth. To be a good artist is not enough to represent ‘something’ on canvas, to be a good artist means to offer impressions about that ‘something’.
“Go to nature in all singleness of heart, and walk with her laboriously and trustingly…rejecting nothing, selecting nothing and scorning nothing”( qtd. in Prettejohn 49). This statement is an advice to landscape painters offered by Ruskin in first volume. Embracing the idea that artists should refrain from changing what they observe in nature, they sought to capture its truth by laboriously transcribing every blade of grass, every crinkled leaf.
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The role of a great artist is to perceive beauty, truth and divinity and translate them throughout his work. The artist seems to be more a translator then a communicator. John Ruskin focused on the role of the paintings besides the poem. In his opinion the paintings were to be admired for their beauty while poems were to be analyzed for their didactic content. His theory ignores the effect of painting upon society. He denies art as a mechanical process. Art is creative process not a replicate
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