Jewish Life After Ww2 Essay

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It all seemed to of started on September 1, 1939 when German troops attacked Poland without any warning. The attack was the beginning of a horrible five year occupation of changes in lifestyles, religions and governments. A year later France was divided into two zones, the “occupied zones” which was the north under German control and the “free zone” which was the south still under French governs. The Poles soon learned that their life would most definitely not be the same as before. They were forced to work while their culture was being demolished right before their eyes. During the war and mass murders it was said approximately two million Poles were sent to work as slave laborers in was what now called “Greater Germany.” After the…show more content…
Jewish adults were faced with the hardship of still trying to earn a living to support their families. Jewish physicians could no longer treat gentile patients and visa versa. Jewish physicians then attempted to earn a living by treating Jewish patients. This also happened with Jewish teachers and students; they had to open up separate schools. Jews were blind citied and didn’t realize how bad things were going to get that very few went into hiding during the war. The Jews that remained were forced into ghettos which equaled death. They were dying of infectious diseases, exposure to elements and starvation. The few that were strong n survived in the ghetto were forced to go to Central Square and deported to concentration camps. For the first time in many of these children’s lives, they were forced to confront the concept of what being a Jew meant to them and the society of which they lived. The Jewish schools were set up like other educational institutions but they were closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Jewish holidays. It was also known the students wouldn’t be finishing school because of the transfer outs to camps. It was a sign that they were marked as being different. They were no longer members of the community, they were
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