Jesus Camp Essay

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Christian Thoughts and Apologetics Anna Thompson Project one Christian Thoughts and Apologetics Anna Thompson Project one Jesus Camp Charles Swindoll once wrote, “Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.” Though we would hope to give all of our children fond memories to hold on to, the main character of Jesus Camp instills emotional distress in the lives of children. Jesus Camp is a documentary intended to shed light upon an evangelistic camp known as "Kids on Fire School of Ministry", lead by Becky Fisher, and questions the beliefs that are taught and how they impact the lives of the children there. The film makes you question the intentions of Becky as she preaches on subjects that may be inappropriate for young children. The question is posed as to why parents would allow their children to be under the leadership of such an eccentric woman who seems to only have selfish intentions for these kids. The children in this film seem to be terrorized into a belief rather than led as most religions might encourage. They also seem to be uneducated in the political stance they are encouraged to take. Although the film, Jesus Camp, is highly controversial, it does raise questions as to what children are capable of as well as what the church should be teaching them. The obvious main focus of this movie is children and the way this life style is affecting their childhood and possible mental state. Tory, Rachel, and Levi are the three children that are seen most through the documentary, and seem to have a similar upbringing and strive to live for Christ. All three children are homeschooled, which may be beneficial for some kids unless paired with isolation. Unfortunately life for Tory, Rachel, and Levi; life was very much secluded. Rachel; a young girl in the film, portrays inadequate social skills for a child of her age most likely
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