Jean Watson Job Aid Research Paper

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Watson Job Aid

The job aid that I designed is based on Jean Watson’s outlook on nursing and caring moments. Jean Watson is Distinguished Professor of Nursing and Murchinson-Scoville Chair in Caring Science at the University of Colorado Denver and Health Sciences Center. She is founder of the original Center for Human Caring in Colorado and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. She previously served as Dean of Nursing at the University Health Sciences Center and is a Past President of the National League for Nursing. Dr. Watson's caring philosophy is used to guide transformative models of caring and healing practices for nurses and patients alike, in diverse settings worldwide. Watson has been featured in numerous national videos
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Definition of caring moment is a heart centered loving energetic field, a turning point. A call to hire deeper consciousness intentionality, having a choice in caring and living requires a presence centering search for meaning all of authenticity anticipating healing and wholeness, authentic human caring heart center practices at the staff and patient satisfaction nurse retention safety medication. There is an efficiency and economics ego carrying all associated human flourishing and caring healing habitat environments for practice. Some examples include: massage therapy, detects reflexology, aromatherapy, and comment of the whales, essences of sound, music, arts and a variety of energetic modalities. Another suggestion is dimming the unit lights and having designated quiet time for patients families and staff to soften slowdown and calm environment another creating healing spaces for nurses sanctuaries for there own time out, times and places for meditation or relaxation for quiet time next cultivation of own spiritual heart center practices of loving kindness in the quality to self and others next intentionally pausing inbreeding potential to be present before entering the patient's room next engaging is centering exercises and mindfulness practices either individually or collectively next placing magnets on patients are with positive affirmation in mind (McGraw,…show more content…
You can also select staff on a basis of caring orientation asking candidates to describe a caring moment that they have experienced. The development and caring competencies serve as a guide to assess and permit staff development and assuring care has had a breakthrough with caring science. Preserving and sustaining human dignity, wholeness, integrity of mind body and spirit will provide a healing environment that will enable self-care, self-knowledge, and self-control, self-healing and potential. She's a global teacher that displays nursing goals assuring the practice of human caring in return for the ethical core values based practices (McGraw, 2002). These practices will extend caring science and knowledge along with development and clinical care persons and caring practice to new professional practice models of authentic caring healing excellence. Definition of caring moment is heart centered, loving energetic field, a turning point, a call to higher, deeper consciousness intentionally. A caring and living moment requires presence centering search

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