Jean Paul Sartre Humanities

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Julian Chareton Freedom (?) Essay 11/29/10 Humanities I Exposed Oppression Oppression is defined by the notable philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre as, “exploitation of man by man . . . characterized by the fact that one class deprives the members of another class of their freedom.” In this case, the oppression is upon a member of a different sexual orientation, rather than another class. I will be discussing the recent events concerning two students at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Tyler Clementi, was an 18 year old freshmen at Rutgers who jumped to this death from the George Washington Bridge in late September of this year. His roommate Dharun Ravi allegedly streamed over the internet a sexual encounter with Tyler and another guy, and after a second attempt; he couldn’t go another day in his life because of the anguish and committed suicide. Sartre would have a lot to say about these two young men. Is Ravi morally responsible for Tyler’s suicide, was Tyler’s anguish impeding his clear judgment, and who was operating in “bad faith”? I will be looking through the eyes of Sartre’s existential philosophy. I believe Sartre would find this situation utterly revolting and horrific. Ravi exposed Tyler in a way that was reckless and a complete invasion of privacy. He tore Tyler’s sense of self to pieces and didn’t think of the consequences that would arise from his actions nor from exposing Tyler’s sexuality on the internet. Sartre and I would agree that there was no true purpose of revealing such personal information to an unknowing public. Tyler was already in some kind of anguish to begin with and in essence got pushed over the edge by Ravi’s invasions. Sartre spoke strongly about responsibility not only for one self but also for the others. “…We don’t mean that he is responsible only for his own individuality, but that he is responsible for
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