Jane Eyre Passage Analysis Essay

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David Palagashvili Period 7 AP Sen. Lit. September 11th, 2010 Mrs. Boness Charlotte Bronte, in her famous feminist novel, Jane Eyre, used her narrator and protagonist to stress and emphasize the critical need for the reformation of childcare. She does this through a textual illustration of the atrocities against women and children of the Victorian Era in England. The story’s main character, Jane, is the depiction of an average yet peculiarly exceptional woman who takes the reader through the story of her life from childhood to present. The given passage is an excerpt of a portion of Jane’s late childhood at her boarding school, Lowood. The passage is a descriptive text that goes into detail on the suffering of the pupils at Lowood during the winter season. The emphasis is particularly heavy on the specific obstacles that the girls had to endure, the grueling passage of time, and the intensification of these obstacles is portrayed via strong adjectives. The horrors of a Lowood Winter include “deep snows… insufficient [clothing] … sever cold… ungloved hands…” etc. These conditions all show the grotesque affliction that the girls endure. To a modern individual, these concerns seem unfathomable and otherworldly because most people in the world live in environments and conditions that would previously be available solely to nobles. However, to Jane and thus Bronte, these conditions are unacceptable for the fostering of young girls or women in general. Bronte uses such phrases as “scanty supply of food” to illuminate her belief of the limitation of women and to expose to the reader that women are not necessarily weak but they are simply human. In order to further emphasize the cruel treatment of minors and women in the Victorian era, Bronte has Jane note the time passed. The passage begins by highlighting the period of time during which the suffering occurs.

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