Jacksonian Democracy Dbq Essay

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Jacksonian Democracy AP History Essay by Emily Hoggatt Because of the blatant disregard of women's rights, the forced removal of Native Americans, and growth of slavery and racist ideas; the term 'Jacksonian Democracy' is an inaccurate reflection of the era between the years 1828-1848. Although it is true that universal manhood suffrage and the glorification of the common man grew in this era, I believe that the numerous undemocratic trends in this era outweigh the few democratic strides. The status of women's rights in the era termed Jacksonian Democracy was not impressive. Women, besides being denied suffrage, were also denied more basic rights such as ownership of property after marriage and the right to get divorced. Even though women had the right to vote for a short time in the state of New Jersey, the idea of letting women vote was seen as ridiculous by most of the population. Many thought that women weren't suited to vote because of their gender. Although there were some efforts, such as the Seneca Falls Convention, to gain more rights for women, these efforts were not highly effective. Even the organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention, Lucretia Mott, believed women's suffrage too radical of an idea at the time. The removal of Native American tribes from their homelands was another undemocratic trend that was a large party of the 'Jacksonian Democracy' era. Despite some politicians' promises otherwise, the removal of Native Americans ended up becoming a brutal reality. The journey of these Indians was very dangerous and many died along the way. These people, even the most assimilated Cherokee tribe, were moved from their land without a say in the matter. It would be hard to think of a situation more undemocratic than that of the Native Americans in the 1800s. The practice of slavery and growth of racist attitudes seems to be hypocritical in an era

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