Jack The Ripper Facts

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One of the most common questions asked when it comes to who Jack the Ripper was is whether or not he had medical history. After all, he took organs from his victims. If Jack the Ripper in fact did have medical knowledge, then the most logical suspect would be Dr. John Williams. Jack the Ripper showed signs of medical knowledge, Dr. Williams went through a falling out when it came to money, and, of course, he knew one of the key victims. The last victim, to be exact. While there is considerable debate over whether or not Jack the Ripper demonstrated any medical knowledge in the course of his killings, doctors who where provided with evidence all suggested that he did possess some medical training. The injuries to two of his victims, Mary Nichols and Annie Chapman, had “in each case been performed with…show more content…
John Williams also had some financial trouble. Connor Baxter, one of the coroners, was informed by a sub-curator of a Pathological Museum that a British Doctor had asked him to procure a number of wombs for which he was willing to pay for. Was Dr. John Williams actually asking other people to find wombs for him? Clearly, people wouldn’t do that, so is it possible that he did it himself? YES! But why would he take the wombs of women? The answer is this: his wife was unable to have children. It is believed that he even wanted to transplant the fertile wombs of the victims into his own wife. Dr. Williams also knew Mary Kelly. Mary Kelly is the last known victim of Jack the Ripper. Her body was mutilated beyond recognition, but the cuts were so precise that only someone with skilled medical knowledge could have done it. Organs were removed in ways that would not cause damage to them, and she was forced to suffer, to bleed out. There is also evidence that he knew each of the other four victims. He was each of the victims’ doctors. He knew their medical history, he knew all about them. The perfect information to find suitable matches for what he wanted to

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