It Gets Better Project Summary

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The author of this article is Anahad O’Conner. O’Conner doesn’t give really any personal touch to the article but the points he makes are strong. He touches a lot on the factual aspect of the amount of GLB people who have committed suicide. This paper is not bias, it is very alerting and informing on the matter of suicide and also comes from a reporting view of what Jamey Rodemeyer’s intentions to support GLB people were. For instance, “Jamey made the video as part of the It Gets Better project, a campaign that was started last fall to give hope to bullied gay teenagers. “All you have to do is hold your head up and you’ll go far,” he said. “Just love yourself and you’re set. … It gets better”. Occasion: This article was published September 21st, 2011. The death of Jamey Rodemeyer prompted the writing of this article. It alarmed others that this isn’t just a game, As O’Conner states “News that a bullied teenager had succumbed to the very pressures he urged others to resist came as a shock to supporters of the It Gets Better project”. Knowing that Jamey, a contributor to the “It gets better” foundation, committed suicide over the harassment he…show more content…
It is about the emotional damage and fatal damage people have on others. The realization that saying something hurtful to another can cause detrimental effect, and that we, as a society, need to help out and support GLB people. For example “An editorial accompanying the study said the findings pointed to the need for schools to adopt policies that create “more supportive and inclusive surroundings”. The subject was selected on the sorrowful death of Jamey Rodemeyer and was presented as an informative encouraging article. O’Conner to a good job presenting Jamey’s death not just as informational. He gave encouragement in the article. He gave us specific ways to help out, by joining a support group, starting clubs, just speaking our ( as everyday people)
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