Is3350 Unit 3 Assignment 1

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Assessment -4 Question -4 ------------------------------------------------- Risk Consequence Descriptors RATING | DESCRIPTION | FINANCIAL IMPACT | CLIENTS & STAFF HEALTH & SAFETY | BUSINESS INTERRUPTION | REPUTATION & IMAGE | CORPORATE OBJECTIVES | 1 | Insignificant | Minimal financial loss; Less than $300,000 | No or only minor personal injury; First Aid needed but no days lost | Negligible; Critical systems unavailable for less than one hour | Negligible impact | Resolved in day-to-day management | 2 | Minor | $300,000 to $2M; not covered by insurance | Minor injury; Medical treatment & some days lost | Inconvenient; Critical systems unavailable for several hours | Adverse local media coverage only |…show more content…
Its predecessor, AS/NZS 4360 Risk management, was first published in 1995. After AS/NZS 4360 was last revised in 2004, the joint Australia/New Zealand committee OB-007 decided that rather than undertake a similar revision in 2009, it would promote the development of an international standard on risk management, which could then be adopted locally. How will this standard help my business? The standard provides organisations with guiding principles, a generic framework, and a process for managing risk. New to this edition is the inclusion of 11 risk management principles an organisation should comply with, and a management framework for the effective implementation and integration of these principles into an organisation's management system. Unlike previous editions, emphasis is given to considering risk in terms of the effect of uncertainty on objectives, rather than the risk incident. This edition also includes an informative annex that sets out the attributes of enhanced risk management for those organisations that have already been working on managing their risks and may wish to strive for a higher level of

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