Is Tv a Bad Influence

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Proposal and position argument Corey Nalley Composition 11 October 14, 2010 Mr. Ryan Is television a bad influence on children? The television has become such an integral part of homes in the modern world that it is hard to imagine life without television. It provides entertainment to people of all ages especially children. Children love to watch television and prefer to stay “glued” to the television screen all day, rather than playing outside. Most children these days have a television set in their bedrooms. It’s not just television that gets a lot of attention it is all kinds of electronics such as computers, including television, computer games and the Internet. Television is the number one after-school activity for kids. Although television is loved by children and has helped them a lot, it has influenced them in a negative way. Some optimistic people can argue that children should be allowed to watch a lot of television because it is educational. Preschoolers can get help to learn the alphabet on children’s programs such as “Sesame Street” and grade scholars can learn about wildlife on nature shows. However, with the increased rate of working parents, most children come home from school and are left alone or with a babysitter who may not care what the children watch on television. With no supervision nearby, children may end up watching shows with violence, sex and bad language. Children that view such shows are likely to fear that the world is scary or that something bad will happen to them. Furthermore, the children will start to show aggressive behavior or start to behave like what they see on television. For example, if a kid watches a violent show or movie, they will be more likely to act the way they see on television thinking it is okay to do so. Another argument put forward by opponents could be that children have a

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