Is Sociology Value Free

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Values are strongly held beliefs about what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, what is worth fighting for and fighting against, what is worth having and not having, who is worthy of respect and support and who is not. Value free research is research that is free from the values of the researcher. Research that is objective. Sociologists study society as a social science, however scientists would argue that its status as a science is challengeable compared to their study of the natural world. The founding Fathers of Sociology believed that an objective, value-free science of Sociology was both possible and desirable. They also wanted to follow the laws of scientific method, to realise the development of human society. If the laws are followed consistently and thoroughly then Sociologists believed it was a science. Comte, Marx and Durkheim all believe that their own work was uncontaminated by value judgements. However Sociologists are now a lot less certain than the founding fathers and the debate about values highlights this. Positivists believe that if the rules of natural science are followed then Sociology can be classed as a Science. Comte is the inventor of the term Sociology, and he believed Sociology was value free. He argued that Sociology should be based on the methodology of natural sciences. Comte believed this would result in a ‘positive science of society’. He believed this would reveal the invariable laws which governed the evolution of human society. Comte argued that only directly observable ‘facts’ were acceptable as evidence in his science of society. Things that couldn’t be directly measured, such as subjective meanings and purposes were ruled out. Comte believed that the facts of society must be objectively measured and quantified. This fits in with the fact that value free research must be objective and be free from the views of
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