Is Parliament Still Sovereign ?

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Is Parliament Still Sovereign? Sovereignty is the idea that someone or something has ultimate political power and is the source of all political authority, up until the 17th century the queen/king was said to be sovereign, however this is no longer the case the only anomaly to this is that of the Queen being described as sovereign, this is just tradition and has no effect on power. In the UK parliament is said to be the holder of most of the sovereign power’s, because of the absence of a supreme constitution it Is said that Parliament has legal sovereignty, this means that Parliament can exercise many powers e.g. laws etc., however in the past few years this has come under scrutiny from many politicians alike at whether Parliament is actually sovereign. One way in which people believe Parliament has lost sovereignty is because of the EU, It is stated that EU law takes precedence over UK law an example of this is that of the Factortame case, this was when in 1990 a Spanish fishing company started fishing in the UK waters, when the UK government tried to take this company to court, the EU stepped in and said that under the Treaty of Rome act they had no authority and so the case was dropped and the Spanish ships were allowed to ship in these waters once more. A more recent case is that of in summer 2008 the ECJ ruled that the disability law needed to be changed for the Coleman case because it did not meet the EU directives on discrimination of disabled carers. These two cases show that this higher body has a hold on are country which we can break but are very wise not too because for Britain to thrive Britain has to be part on the common market and to be in the common market we need to follow the EU rules and regulations over wise we will be out. And so this means that the EU has taken away some of Parliament’s sovereignty. Another example of sovereignty being
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