Irony & Point of View

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Irony involves a contrast between two elements. When irony is used, meanings tend to become concealed or contradictory. Types of Irony VERBAL IRONY occurs when a character says something that contradicts with what they have intended. SITUATIONAL IRONY occurs when both the character(s) and the audience are unaware of certain important information. There is a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens. DRAMATIC IRONY occurs when the reader is aware of information that the character(s) are unaware of. What the character says or believes contrasts with what the reader knows to be true. Types of Point of View First person point of view allows the author to disappear into one of the characters in the story. The narrator uses the pronoun "I". Whether the characer is the protagonist or an observer, their vantage point is "inside" the story. Limited Omniscient point of view allows the author to tell the narrative through the eyes, mind and emotions of one character. It differs from first person point of view as the observations are told in the third person, "he" or "she". Omniscient point of view or "all-knowing" allows the author to peer into the hearts and minds of several characters. He is able to interpret and comment on their behaviour, and even comment on the significance of the story. Objective point of view does not allow for the thoughts of any of the characters to be revealed. The narrator refrains from making any observations. The story is told matter-of-factly-, void of any emotion. Tone - the attitude of the author toward his audience and characters Mood - the feeling a piece of literature arouses within the
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