Intervention Strategy Essay

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Week Three-Intervention Strategy According to the U.S. National Adult Literature Survey (2005), 30 million Americans over the age of sixteen, or what amounts to be a staggering 55 percent, are at below basic reading levels (Lu, 2010). As described by Lu (2010), this means that their reading and writing abilities do not exceed a third grade level. Since reading ability is the cornerstone of a successful education, much focus has been on early intervention for at risk early readers. In her article “Phonics and Semiotics for Early Intervention,” Lu (2010), describes her case study and the use of phonics and semiotics as an early intervention for three first graders determined to be at risk for reading problems. This paper will summarize the article and Lu’s findings, describe the intervention strategy, and whether or not I would consider this type of strategy as an instructor of young children. Lu (2010) begins her study with observation in each of the classrooms of the three first grade students for a one week period. All three students were from middle socioeconomic families and although they were in separate classrooms with different teachers, each had been labeled as having “low motivation, little confidence, less engagement, were very restless, and were labeled with reading and writing disability “(p.2). Before beginning instruction with these students, Lu (2010) felt that much could be learned by interviewing the students and finding out their interests and preferred learning styles. From these interviews, she was able to obtain some basic information about the three students interests such as pets, friends, relatives, activities, vacations, celebrations, favorite television programs, and so forth. With this knowledge, she selected books that were related to the students' interests and life experiences. After observing and then getting to know the

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