Internal Opposition In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Everyone has their own internal opposition that they sometime struggle to deal with and The epic of Gilgamesh is a proof of it. During our journey on earth, we, sometime find ourselves in opposition with our own self and as we tend to better ourselves, we will look and do everything possible to have what we want. But the result that we get in life does not always please us and that result can occur to better or devastate us. The Epic of Gilgamesh shows how internal opposition led the main character Gilgamesh to becoming a better person. Gilgamesh who was half god was considered as a hero in his town and wanted his name to be heard until the end of time (tablet1). But, he had not thought of his life ending and he was not afraid of it, but he was afraid of his name not being heard or not being honored until the…show more content…
Like in every man’s life, his life included plenty of trials and troubles such as the death of his friend which pushed him to seek for immortality. This made him to be opposed to himself and that is why he went to look for Uta-napishti. “I’m afraid of death, so I wander the wild, to find Uta-Napishti, son of Ubar-Tutu” (tablet 9, 5). Moreover, this experience changed Gilgamesh’s view of the human condition. It helped him become a better person because it taught him what is to be a man which means that every man is called to die one day or another. In conclusion, Gilgamesh was concerned about being immortal which was impossible since no one on earth had escaped from the human condition except from Uta-napishti in this case. What he did not understand at first is the fact that a spirit could be immortal which means that people could have been remembering him through his achievement. But then, when he realized that being immortal was not meant for him, it bettered his way of thinking about the

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