Intake Decision Making Research Paper

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------------------------------------------------- COUNSELING AND CLINICAL INTERVIEWING BY: ERNEST N. BRADLEY M:8 A:2 ------------------------------------------------- COUNSELING AND CLINICAL INTERVIEWING BY: ERNEST N. BRADLEY M:8 A:2 WITHIN A GOVERNMENT ENTITY WITHIN A GOVERNMENT ENTITY COUNSELING INTAKE AND CLINICAL INTERVIEWING: WITHIN A GOVERNMENT ENTITY BRADLEY, E. M:8 A:2 Agencies (i.e., program and practice models) have always used state statutes to govern intake decision making. The use of statutory criteria for intake decision making can take a sort of “whatever we want but not less than” perspective. What this means is that intake screening decisions can sometimes result in reports of varying sorts of family conditions and different levels of severity to be assigned for CPS intervention. That is, the “whatever we want” criteria. However, very seldom if hardly ever do intake screening decisions avoid accepting clear and serious child abuse and neglect that is consistent with a state’s statute. That’s the “no less than” criteria. This kind of approach to…show more content…
This includes consideration of the presence of threats to a child’s safety, the presence of vulnerable children, and caregivers with diminished caregiver protective capacities. he objectives of the safety intervention system intake function are: • To assist individuals who are reporting their concerns to provide behaviorally specific, detailed information. • To determine if the reported concerns include the identification of present or impending danger and diminished caregiver protective capacities. • To identify whether the concerns being reported must be referred to law enforcement. • To determine the response time for a CPS initial assessment and safety
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