Injustices of Our Justice System

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The Injustices of our Justice system The United States Justice system is one of the most unique in the world. In this system we are treated equally and fairly; not equal and fair. That makes each case different, and therefore a different means about going about each one. It makes arguing a must, which brings the adversarial nature of court cases out, but at the same time the jury playing the role of the average American decides if the act is acceptable by our Judicial Standards. . Why is it a law? It is not a law just because Congress and The president with a little push by the Supreme court say that’s the law. Generally speaking laws are what is socially accepted by our society. If the majority of people believe the law is not what average American does, or should do then it is usually not a law. That being said, different areas have different laws. What is viewed as socially accepted In NC might not be viewed the same as a state like California. For example in California it Is legal with the right kind of prescription to stand outside and light up a marijuana cigarette; which in California is socially acceptable. In NC It would not be viewed as so. It is a two-way street of course. In NC the law states on Sunday outside the courthouse usually taking place around the steps, it is legal to take and beat your wife. So what is accepted in one area; could get one in to some trouble in another. The law is one big grey area. There is no black and white. “Equally and Fairly not Equal and Fair” This quote comes straight from the American Judicial system. It truly says it all. There are many variables that come into play to taint our Justice System. Which is why there are Injustices in our System everyday. From the arrest to the sentencing Americans rights are abused and can very well result in conviction for a crime one did not even commit. Once again this is a two-way

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