Influence of Visual Media Paper

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Influence of Visual Media Paper HUM/176 09/21/2012 Influence of Visual Media Paper Today it is more likely that you will find children inside playing a video game or watching TV than it is to find them outside playing or participating in a sport, and that is true with the rest of the family as well. Visual entertainment media such as movies, television and video games have had a significant impact on our culture. There are many ways that our culture and values have been altered or shaped by visual entertainment media. Some of which were because of the adaptation of visual media into our culture and others were influenced by the messages that other people conveyed in the media they produced. An example of the message of a visual media influencing a change in our culture is a show called “The Cosby Show”. I am sure you have at least heard of it before if you have not seen an episode or two. It is said that the positive messages the show conveys to the audience had a positive effect on our culture, and I would tend to agree with that. When I am talking about the adaptation of visual media into our culture I am speaking of the fact that the technology was not always available for us to have this kind of media. The fact that we have it now and did not before was a huge influence on our culture. Like I said in my intro, everyone is more likely to found inside looking at a screen than they used to be before the invention and perfection of visual entertainment media’s. This has since changed the way families interact, in front of a TV instead of at the dinner table. The family’s relationship is not the only one that changed because of social media, it would seem that all social activity has either changed or stopped in some way. With the newer generation thinking that talking to their friends on the computer or playing video games online with them is a social
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