Inequalities In Health Research Paper

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Chapter 1: Reducing Inequalities Inequalities prevent people from achieving their full potential in life. Tackling Health Inequalities and Choosing Health have highlighted the large inequalities in health across England and look at ways to reduce inequalities and monitor the progress towards this aim. Section 1A: Life Expectancy Reduce by at least 10% the gap between the fifth of areas with the lowest life expectancy at birth and the population as a whole by 2010 Life expectancy at birth is a way of expressing the all cause mortality for an area. It gives an estimate of how long someone is expected to live based on current mortality rates. Life expectancy varies by social class and gender. In order to increase life expectancy,…show more content…
Reducing the number of people dying from cancer will have a significant impact on increasing life expectancy. CURRENT POSITION In recognition of the inequalities gap, Walsall set the year 2010 target to reduce cancer mortality in the under 75s by 27.5%. Since 1995-97 the rate has fallen by 13% from 150.3 per 100 000 to 130.8 per 100,000 in 2003-05. This means that 50 fewer Walsall people are dying each year from cancer than in 1995-97. Despite year on year fluctuations, Walsall tPCT is still on track to meet the 2010 target. How Walsall Compares Cancer mortality in the under 75s has fallen slightly faster in the West Midlands as a whole and in England than in Walsall. This means that the inequalities gap between Walsall and some other West Midlands districts and the national average has widened. In 2003-05 the Walsall rate remained 10% higher than the England average rate (14% higher for men and 4% higher for women). Eliminating the inequalities gap would save an additional 33 lives per year in…show more content…
• Provision of a Specialist Quit Smoking Adviser to support young people to quit smoking. • Free NRT and counselling offered on one to one & group basis in schools and clinics. • Provision of brief intervention and specialist training for frontline staff working with YP. • Proof of Age Scheme in operation to prohibit the purchasing of under age cigarettes. • Tobacco Policy Plan details projects. % of children consuming 5 portions of fruit and veg a day • Hungry for Activity project run by the PCT and funded by WCF aims to increase fruit & veg consumption in order to address obesity. • Support and increase Healthy Schools standard. • School Food Co-ordinator to be appointed. • Fresh Family Project run via Walsall Catering Service to increase healthy option choices. • Nutrition & Diet plan identified within Children’s Obesity Strategy & Action Plan. Choose not to take Illegal drugs Reduce harm caused by illegal drugs including substantially increasing the number of drug misusing offenders entering treatment through CJS • Provide enhanced substance misuse education to schools and youth
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