Industry Affecting Unity in Italy

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Another factor that hindered possible unity for Italy was to do with industry. Industry was very important in developing the country, helping the North and South come to an agreement, and within that, to even out the large difference in rich and poor, helping the country to be united as a nation. Without a high level of industry the country is less developed and can uncover the difficulty in trying to create a united Italy. The problems within the industry include strong craft tradition. This was initially a good thing but was unfortunately held back from lack of resources, for example coal. This meant that the factories could not run, affecting factories in Britain and Germany. On top of that came the problem that Italy could not compete with Britain nor Germany. This meant that Italy couldn’t live up to the more successful countries and compete successfully in trade and competition to make the most money possible. Another reason for a lack of unity included the fact that there was a lack of coal, as already mentioned. Coal was extremely important resource to have, as it was a big part of modern mass production in factories, which led on to a huge problem for the liberals in the industry because it meant that Italy was industrially declining in comparison to the rest of Europe, not making the chance of unity an easy task. As of this decline, the Liberal’s tried to put an end to the economic backwardness by increasing industrial production. This occurred by essentially increasing the percentage of the workforce in industry. For example from 1870 to 1896 the iron industry developed double in size. This was all done to help shift the problems with all social, political, economical and industrial issues that slow down Italy’s chance of ever being a
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