Independent and Dependent Variable

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Basic Worksheet on Experiment and Correlation Submitted by Amy Sweetman Los Angeles City College Experiment (Independent and Dependent Variable Worksheet) Correlation (What’s the relationship) Find the Independent and Dependent Variables in the following scenarios 1. Dr. Lowy-Reid studies the effects of marijuana on memory she designs an experiment where half the group is receiving THC (the active ingredient in Marijuana) and the other group gets oregano. The subjects are all given the same list of words to study while they are smoking the substances. Recall is tested 1 hour later. - The independent variable: The THC, and the oregano. - The dependent variable: The memory recall. 2. A test was designed to test the effects of alcohol on motor coordination group one was given a mixed drink with two shots of alcohol in it. Group two was given a mixed drink with one shot of alcohol in it. Then their motor coordination was tested by asking them to do a series of balancing exercises. - The independent variable: The quantity of shots of alcohol. - The dependent variable: The motor coordination. 3. A study was conducted on sleep deprivation and cognitive performance on a problem solving test. One group of subjects was deprived of 1 hour of sleep, the other group of subjects was deprived of 4 hours of sleep. Then they were given the problem solving test. - The independent variable: The amount of sleep deprivation. - The dependent variable: The problem solving test. 4. A recent report found that blueberries enhanced the maze running performance of mice. What was the independent variable and dependent variable of this experiment? - The independent variable: The blueberries. - The dependent variable: The performance of the mice in maze runing. 5. We are studying whether or not a

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