In the Country Wife wit is more valued than Virtue. Discuss.

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In the Country wife wit is more valued than virtue. Discuss. Wycherley’s play the Country Wife is a play which is one that is depicted as unrealistic; none of the characters in the play have a sense of accuracy in their character. The Restoration comedy in general is realistic in other senses. The Country Wife is full of wit, ingenuity, animal spirits and lively humour. It is evident from the very start of the play that wit is more valued than virtue. The Quack who is already a fake doctor lies for Horner’s sake and makes all the women and husband’s believe that he is impotent. It portrays characters that are recognizably from the same social milieu as the audience, who share the same ideas and preoccupations which are more valued in general than those which are virtuous. Wycherley uses such stereotypes to present on stage a portrayal of social relations that is both serious and explicit. The exaggeration of Pinchwife's jealousy and Horner's cuckolding instinct at once reveals the play's ideological territory. Horner is presented smarter than the other characters, presumably due to his wit. He knows how to outsmart the husbands as he does this when he kisses and fondles with Margery Pinchwife when she tries to disguise her self as a boy. He aggressively uses his wit to undermine and reveal the foolishness and hypocrisy of the other characters. Sparkish's vanity and Pinchwife's jealousy make them vulnerable to ridicule, and the lesson is "to be invulnerable one must be a wit" Devices to render Pinchwife more sympathetic or as a ‘real man’ would lack reasoning. The play is not "realistic" in character delineation. It is realistic in depicting with clarity vexed questions about social morality by means of clear, representative types in familiar social situations. Wycherley exaggerates various characters in the play such as Pinchwife, Sparkish, Sir
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