Importance of Motivation

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MOTIVATION is a very abstract word which is the internal process that makes a person or a child to move towards a goal . If we categorise the learning age group the young learners fall in the age group of 5 – 12 years. In this age the children are very curious and enthusiastic in nature .They just need a proper guidance and appreciation , they are mostly self-initiated, by appreciating their independent choices we can motivate them . For the students main factor of motivation is always a word praise from a teacher . We can make them motivated by giving them positive and frequent feedbacks about their success in doing things independently and trying to explore new methods of self development. We can observe and reward all their actions which will inturn give them a motivation to do things better . The adults are mostly I assume are self-motivated by themselves. Adults understand their goals and and they can plan to achieve their goals and plan in that direction. Some people do need a lot of motivation at every stage of reaching their goals. They know their qualities and limitations which makes things easier for them to work with interest and enthusiasm . they don’t require a person to keep on encouraging and initiating them to progress. Motivating the young learners differs from motivating adults as the young learners are open to change and are more enthusiastic than adults . Although the adults are self motivating a lot depends on the behavior of any individual . Young learners are having intrinsic motivation so a recognition and appreciation is a major factor of
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