Characteristics Of Frederick Douglass American Individualism

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From Nothing to Something Individualism in history is what has set the great leaders apart from the general public. Qualities of a leader include looking from ones self and then out at the world. Two leaders in American history that has set them apart by initially wanting to better themselves are Frederick Douglas, and Benjamin Franklin. When Douglass is around the age of seven Douglass is sent to live with Captain Anthony’s son in law, Hugh Auld and daughter, Sophia. Douglass is happy to leave the plantation that he is currently at, knowing that no where else could be worse. This is where he meets the first white woman who treated him kind, Sophia. She hasn’t owned a slave before so she is new to the…show more content…
Garrison encourages Douglass to speak publicly against slavery. Douglass took Garrisons advice and even went on to publish his own book written by himself, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. This is what kick started his career in abolition. He even campaigned due to his fugitive status in Europe. By 1855 Douglass had his own newspaper, The North Star and wrote his second biography, My Bondage and My Freedom. Douglass spent the rest of his life working a as a political leader to end slavery. Douglass was an individualist because he first tried to perfect himself then wanted to help others. Douglass educated himself because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to function in society if he didn’t know how to read and write. He had to maintain independence because he was a slave and knew that he could be moved around to the ownership of another slave master. While Douglass was still a slave he started a school in the cabin of a freed black man to teach people to read. He wanted to express to people that it was important to know how to read and be independent so slaves won’t have to depend on their…show more content…
He was a high achiever, he looked to perfect himself then he wanted to help others. Franklin opened a school for freed black slaves to help them learn to read and write. He believed that if they were educated they would have dignity and make them have better character. He even helps the freed black slaved find jobs. Franklin seemed like he wanted to improve the quality of American society he began to favor the abolition of slavery. Both of these men were men of honor. They came up on their own and made the best of their situation, both were self educated, and wanted to help other to learn. They fought for what they believed in. Individualism is something that is in all great leaders. They are able to set a goal and help their people understand what they want and won’t lose focus of the task at hand. Introspective was a key quality in both of these gentlemen they both look at them selves as a tool to help change their situation and planned to improve themselves first and then they would try to improve the people that was around them. The quality of society would improve heavily if every human being had
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