Importance Of Films Like "Blood Diamond'

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I believe that these films are extremely important. Before watching ‘Blood Diamond’, I was already aware of the existence of child soldiers, which I think is one of the gravest problems in the world today. I read a book a few years ago on the matter, and the protagonist was a child from Sierra Leone in the period portrayed in the film. What happens to Dia, happened to the boy in that story. So about this I had some knowledge. However, I had no idea what ‘conflict diamonds’ were. Looking back, it seems a little strange that I had never heard of such a thing before watching this film. And I think that this proved the importance of this kind of films. Sometimes we just innocently decide to go to the cinema with our friends, to watch that really cool-looking movie that just came out, and we are struck by a reality that we had no knowledge of. It is really eye-opening. The Kimberley Process, as good as it is, is not enough to stop the trade of conflict diamonds. And I am sure that not all diamond buyers ask those very important questions to the salesmen while shopping for these stones. Sometimes, we need something a little more shocking, or more able to touch our heart and conscience, to understand what is going on around us. And a film, even if only based on reality, is one of the best ways to do this. I am sure that this film made the public much more aware of the issue of child soldiers and conflict diamonds, as well as the disrespect for the Human Rights. There is, I believe, no doubt that doing those atrocities to innocent children is a major violation of Human Rights. Or what was done to Solomon and the other men working in the mine fields. Or the carnage going on between the government and the RUF. And this is only an example. Human Rights are violated everyday, all the time. We, Humans, just can’t seem to understand how these Rights are vital. Obviously, it
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