Impact On Roman Law

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Roman law was perhaps Rome's greatest contribution to mankind, Roman law is the legal system of ancient Rome. Roman law has affected the development of law in most of Western civilization. It forms the basis for the law codes of most countries of continental Europe and derivative systems elsewhere. Roman Citizens many of the protections and rights given to people under Roman law only applied to Roman citizens. There were even different levels of Roman citizenship, each one having rights than the next. The punishment for committing a crime in Rome was not the same for everyone. What punishment you received depended on your status. If you were a wealthy noble, you would receive far less punishment than a slave would for the same crime. Punishment could include beatings, lashings, exile from Rome, fines, or even death. The Romans generally didn't send people to prison for crimes, but they…show more content…
There are preliminary evaluations to determine that a crime has occurred, and generally an assignment to an investigator, who may be a police officer, a detective, a special agent, or other investigator, depending on jurisdictional entity: police department, prosecutor, or federal agency, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Secret Service, or one of more than a hundred federal agencies with some form of jurisdictional responsibility for conducting criminal investigation. What can be learned from that time is their alternative sentencing and community corrections. For relatively minor crimes, a person might be condemned to work on public projects for a fixed period. Projects included building roads, maintaining aqueducts, and cleaning and maintaining sewers and public accommodations such as latrines and public baths. The convicted person did not lose Roman citizenship and was released after the labor was
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