Imaginary Journey - The Tempest

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A journey is a process of growth by which an individual ventures beyond their comfort zone to encounter obstacles, their response to which will eventually elicit a profound denouement. Imaginative journeys are ones which transcend temporary and spatial boundaries, leading to the journeyer exploring the subconscious. It’s speculative and reflective nature allow responders to imagine freely in a world where the constraints of reality fail to exist. Broadening our appreciation of the interconnectedness of journeys, William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, The Secret Garden by Francis Burnett, and The Alchemist by Paul Coelho each bring us to different destinations and states of mind as we come to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship with the world around us through empathy with the central protagonist. The Tempest charts a journey from the tranquility of Prospero’s physical and psychological isolation through to the chaos of conflicting emotions, made manifest in various characters. This eventually resolves itself through the reconciliation of opposing ideals, generating feelings of empowerment, renewal, and resolution. At the commencement of the play, Prospero’s character is overshadowed with conflicting ideas and questions. He experiences uncertainty in the appropriate handling of his daughter Miranda, and towards those who have exiled him from his dukedom in Milan. Bitterly describing his brother as one who could ‘awaken an evil nature’, his resentment is highlighted through the syntax ‘I pray thee, mark me, that a brother should be so perfidious’. Proceeding to create the tempest with the ability to ‘make the most bold waves terrible’, Prospero sends the wrongdoers on their imaginative journey towards repentance as he begins his own of compassion and forgiveness. Throughout the twelve years of his imaginative journey in The Tempest, Prospero
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