If Manatees Were Green

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If Only Manatees Were Green People may have their skepticisms on the theory of global warming, but the high mortality rate of manatees is no myth. The total morality rate of manatees in Florida has raised an average of 5.3 percent every year since 1996 (National Geographic). Florida is the largest population of manatees, primarily because of its coastal waters during the winter season. Manatees are temperature sensitive aquatic species. Their habitat characteristics are warm-water refuge in the winter, along with inland fresh drinking water. However due to threatening climate changes, most of them aggregate in artificial canals, basins, and man-made deep water sites. Environmental impacts are the leading known causes of their deaths such as high water temperatures. Global warming also poses as a major threat to the welfare of these endangered creatures by increasing the chances of larger and more frequent hurricanes. We can help insure the protection and betterment of manatees by, processing donations to fund their conservation, as well as the government adopting more refuges and sanctuaries. It is imperative that people be aware of the environmental threats that are impediments for the well-being and safety of manatees. Climate changes are extremely detrimental to manatee’s health. Manatees are susceptible to cold weather. They depend on thermal refuge to survive, however with cold water temperatures that occur in the subtropical climates of Florida, it restricts them from finding such retreat. According to the authors of Estuaries and Coasts, manatees develop pathological features called “cold water syndrome” where manatees refuse to eat and become anorexic. Their studies have shown temperatures falling below 20°C, of which make manatees extremely stressful. Manatees suffer morality during cold fronts, which commonly occurs after hurricanes. This is

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