If sharks were to be extinct then we would not be able to go with our families to the beach to have a fun in the waters as the water would be disgusting and not swimmable. While the numbers of large sharks have been going low it has led to the collapse of fisheries being able to go out to sea to fish as sharks play an important role of keeping the fish and coral reefs healthy. As large sharks do have an important role in the ocean, we do have to be cautious about where we swim as we could be in there territory or near predators. If you do take a shark out of there eco-system then in conclusion there will be bad consequences, because they keep their eco-system healthy and clean. For example imagine you at home doing your own thing then out of nowhere an intruder comes in and kidnaps you and while that happens there will be consequences but in the end you will end up being shot, not a good thing to think about so we should think the same about sharks.
Two percent of the ocean has been overlooked by people ant it leaves ninety-eight percent of the ocean for the megladon can swim. This shark could be a very intelligent shark by possibly attacking its pray as fast as it can and head down the bottom of the big blue. The evidence has proven that there was a time this shark had lived because of the physical evidence shown by the teeth collected. The pictures clearly state that there is a mega shark out there and the eyewitnesses explained that a huge shark had been around in South Africa. There may come a time when this shark may make a mistake and show its self to the world with
As youth we need to help as best we can in creating our ocean more sustainable. Many people are unaware of what is happening on our oil rigs, we need to make sure everyone is educated on what is going on and make sure that everyone is trying to make the ocean more sustainable. Oil spills are very dangerous to marine life; we need to make sure we do everything to protect it. Many people rely on Newfoundland waters for fish to eat, and to make a living. Contaminating these waters will not only harm the wildlife, but it will kill a source of food that is so dominant in Newfoundland, and also will harm hundreds of people’s jobs.
(blackfishmovie.com) Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale who has not only injured several people in captivity but killed. Behind the scene footage and shocking interviews are shown throughout the film to present a convincing case against keeping these wild animals for human entertainment. This emotional, heart touching story challenges us to reconsider our relationship with nature. It reveals how little we know about these mammals. This documentary explores how the harmful living conditions may be causing orcas to lash out violently toward their trainers.
The resulting anxiety and tension cause fights between orcas. In the wild, orcas have strong social bonds that may last for life, their social rules prohibit serious violence against each other, and when fights do occur, they can find space to flee. In captivity, there's nowhere for them to go, which leads to injuries and death.” (SeaWorld of Hurt) Besides fighting with fellow killer whales, Orcas are biting the bars, concrete and tanks to escape due to stress and anxiety. The diet of a whale in captivity is unlike the diet of a whale in the wild. PETA’s campaign SeaWorld of Hurt shares, “In captivity, orcas are unable to hunt and obtain water from their prey, so SeaWorld gives them gelatin, a substance that is not natural for them, in an attempt to keep them hydrated.
Killer Whales in Captivity: Entertainment or Torture? The death of the SeaWorld Orlando’s trainer Dawn Brancheau, in 2010, by one of their performing orcas (named Tilikum) and the subsequent release, in 2013, of the documentary Blackfish, have raised a major controversy not only among animal advocates such as PETA (People of Ethical Treatment of Animals) but also the regular marine park attendees. If the incidents presented in marine parks around the world, over the course of several the years, were not been hidden or ignored, this horrifying accident could have been prevented. The fact that some incidents were kept a secret from the public and new trainers, worsen the situation. After so many years and incidents, the captivity of killer whales or orcas (Orcinus orca) merely for entertainment purposes should be prohibited.
The poisons will kill fish and the reef in which the fish live because there is no precise way to deliver it. The fishermen will dump the poison on the water in a likely spot and catch what floats up. The problem with poison is that it does not choose what it kills, so it kills reefs and poisons the area for new generations, then the fishermen go on to another area to repeat the destruction. [ (Coral Reef Destruction and Coversation) ] 2. Red is the endangered areas In image 2, the most endangered reefs are in areas that are considered “Third World”, where populations have limited access to education.
In the more recent years, fishermen have discovered ways of fishing that give the fish no chance of survival. Computer monitors seek out the location of schools of fish, giving the fish no place to hide. Huge nets called dredges are lowered into the water and then “drag[ged] across large areas of seafloor to catch fish that live on or near the ocean floor” (Oceana, 2010). By destroying
Humans have been known for destroying coral reefs through unlawful fishing habits. Cyanide fishing has been classified as a destructive fishing practice, yet is still being used in our oceans today. The destruction of coral reefs is greatly due to the fact that many people are unaware of a number of things. Such as the what coral reefs are, the key role they play, what cyanide fishing really is as well as the negative effects the fishing will cause. Occupying less than one percent of the ocean floor, coral reefs are home to over 25% of all marine life.
There are five main things that affect the ocean and harm it, Whaling, overfishing, factory fishing, global warming, and pollution. Every year the Japanese government kills mink whales. They kill at least eight hundred fifty of these whales. Factory fishing is also a major harm to the ocean. Factories create equipment that destroys species in the ocean.