Human Rights Writing Samples

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| | |AN ANALYSIS OF THE RECOGNITION OF HOMOSEXUALS IN THE SOCIETY AND THEIR RIGHT TO BE TREATED WITH DIGNITY. | | | |Andisi Olembo | |3/22/2014 | Human rights are those rights one has by virtue of them being human. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. They are seen to be the foundation for justice, peace and freedom in the world as recognized by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The state has the responsibility of guaranteeing and protecting these rights. According to J.F.Kennedy, former US President, the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. By this, one can assert the fact that where justice is denied to an individual, the whole community will be affected. Gay rights are a controversial issue in Africa which brings with it a heated debate in various African countries including Kenya. Homosexuality is often described as a sexual behavior carried out with someone of the same gender. They advocate for recognition of the same rights under the same laws, universally. Such rights include the right not to be discriminated against, the freedom to marry as well as the freedom to adopt children among others. When one speaks of gay rights, the issue of morality comes to mind. Its acceptance or rejection is based on one’s moral beliefs, which is mainly rooted in his or her
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