Human Existence In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Steinbeck’s novella offers us a very dark view of human existence. In Of Mice and Men he gives us characters whom are badly crippled in one way or another, and for whom a tragic ending seems inevitable.” Of Mice and Men is a novella by John Steinbeck, set in the farming district of rural USA. It is a short tale of friendship, camaraderie, and discovery. However, it is a bleak story, set in beautiful surrounds, which contrasts directly with the dark story. It would seem that every character that we are introduced to in Steinbeck’s novella are indeed crippled in some way. There are the emotionally crippled, like George. There are mental and physical cripples, like Lennie and Candy. Then there are those who are crippled both physically and emotionally, such as the luckless Crooks. Throughout the story, we never really get a grasp of any sort of happiness in these people’s lives, so for these bleak men and women, an equally bleak ending seems almost unavoidable, if not expected. I agree with this statement in that just about every character that Steinbeck creates is in some way damaged. There are the obvious characters, such as Lennie and…show more content…
It does, of course, which leads to the tragic demise of Lennie. This lays to rest the elaborate plan that George and Lennie, and later Candy, had of a better life. What little hope they had of achieving their comfortable little cottage and living off ‘the fatta’ the lan’’ is crushed the moment Lennie breaks Curley’s wife’s neck. This is, of course, a premature demise for Lennie, as well as Curley’s wife. It condemns George to living the life of every other hired hand, which is working for a month for fifty bucks, then just blowing it on whiskey and a whore, then repeating the process. Candy is also affected by the death of Lennie, the hope and plans that had materialised in front of him, were taken away equally as

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