Huckleberry Finn Nature Theme

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In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, there are many themes and symbols. Nature is the strongest factor in the novel because in a completely different geographical setting the story would have had not only a different outcome but Huck and Jim might never have found friendship and freedom. Twain uses symbols and hypocrisy to get his point across about society in this moving novel. The overarching symbol of the book is the Mississippi River. It represents many different things to Huck, Jim, and Twain. To Huck and Jim, it is the ultimate symbol of freedom. That is in contrast to the restrictions and responsibilities Huck experiences on land. It is sending Jim towards the free states and Huck away from his abusive father and “sivilization”. But no matter how far the river takes them, there is still life and death, tragedy and comedy, and strife and peace. As the journey progresses, the Mississippi River that once seemed like the perfect escape, just becomes a short-term escape taking the two friends even further towards danger and destruction. To Twain, the Mississippi River is the most predominant force of nature. The river was not only their escape route, but also their biggest enemy because it was always unpredictable. Twain changes his tone when describing the Mississippi River from wary and sarcastic to glowing and daydreaming. This change of tone shows his own appreciation for the beauty and significance that nature holds for him. According to research, to Twain, nature was almost heaven. He describes it with much more care than that which he gives to passages about civilization. He shows the beauty of nature by using select details with connotations of peacefulness and serenity. At the start of the story, Huck is far more comfortable in the wilderness than in a house. He thinks everything civilized is silly and useless. He views almost
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