Hsco 504 Sexual Harassment Paper

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Sexual Harassment Paul Cole HSCO 504 April 27, 2010 Sexual Harassment Introduction Sexual Harassment affects people of all ages, races, and of both sexes, according to Berry S. Roberts and Richard A. Mann, (2008) giving some insight on the issue of sexual harassment in today’s workplace, sexual harassment has not been taken seriously as it should, despite the wide spread publicity about perils of sexual harassment, it is shown that many businesses in the United States have not properly addressed the problems. Recent news indicated that sexual harassment has hit its highest level of management, even thou businesses are aware of that sexual harassment exists, they are not sure what to do about the situation, this has resulted into fear of employer liability for…show more content…
Roberts & Richard A. Mann, (2008) “Sexual Harassment in The Workplace: A Primer”. Retrieved from; http://www.uakron.edu/law/lawreview/v29/docs/Roberts.pdf, visited 2nd September, 2011 Pellicciotti, J. M, (1998), Alexandria, Va. International Personnel Management Association. Title VII McDonald, P. (March 14, 2011). International Journal of Managment Reviews. Retrieved from: www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com Barrier, M. “Sexual Harassment. “ Nation’s Business 86. No. 12 (December 1998) Protecting Employees-and your Business. “Nation’s Business 86, no.12 (December1998) Karim Fathi, (Jan 12, 2009) Sexual Harassment. Retrieved from: www.eeoc.gov/types/sexualHarassment.html The “American Association of University Women-Drawing the Line: Sexual Harassment on Campus” AAUW,(2006) Ganzel, R. (October 1998) 86-94, “What Sexual Harassment Training Really Prevents.” Training 35, no. 10 Kimble-Ellis, S. “Safeguard against Sexual Harassment. “ Black Enterprise 29, no. 5
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