Hsc 2028 Essay

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1.2 Impact of specific conditions on correct movement and positioning There are a number of conditions that can have an impact on the correct movement and positioning of people. Arthritis People suffering with arthritis will often have stiff painful joints and frequently have limited movement in the affect areas. Care needs to be taken when moving or positioning arthritic people, to reduce the possibility of causing pain and discomfort. You also need to be aware of the limited movement of arthritic joints and not attempt to move these beyond their limits. Parkinson’s disease Sufferers of Parkinson’s disease may experience limb rigidity that can affect normal movement and positioning. When assisting people to find a comfortable position, in either a bed or chair, be careful not to force the rigid limb further than it is able to, as this could damage the joint and cause discomfort or pain. People with Parkinson’s disease have slower reaction times and it may take a person longer to initiate movement. It is therefore important to give people suffering from this condition time to move and not rush them. People may not be able to tell people if they are in pain, so you should look for non-verbal signs of pain or discomfort. Key term Contract – get shorter Activity 1 Keep moving Bend and straighten your arm. While you are doing this, look at and feel the muscles in your upper arm. What have you noticed? How far back does your elbow go? Why can you not go further than this? What would happen if you tried to go further than the normal position of the elbow? Level 2 Health and Social Care Diploma 4 Key term Legislation – laws Amputation The loss of a leg can affect how well a person can move depending on where it has been amputated, for example, below or above the knee. Artificial limbs can help people to move, but these benefits
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