How Technology Affected Chinese People

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How Technology Affected Chinese people What are the consequences of technology? In this essay I will talk about how technology affected Chinese people. Technologies such as the magnetic compass, irrigation system and block printing were developed to improve the lives of Chinese people. Why was the magnetic compass such a great asset in navigation. How the Chinese invented block printing. Finally, how irrigation systems helped farmers improve farming. One important invention was the magnetic compass. The compass is a device with a magnetized piece of metal that points north. Chinese sailors used the compass to navigate open seas. It allowed them to travel to distant lands without getting lost. As a result, Chinese merchants opened up trade routes to India and Southeast Asia. Chinese were the first to develop the production of making books using block printing. In block printing workers carved text into blocks of wood. Each block was then covered with ink and pressed on paper to print a page. Printing lowered the cost of books. As a result, the number of school rose and literacy increased. Chinese farmers developed irrigation systems that improved rice farming. Rice became the most important crop but it grew in the humid. To keep rice paddies wet farmers developed irrigation systems such as pumps and other water control devices. With this kind of technology farmers could harvest two or three crops a year. As a result, more food was available to feed more people and population swelled. In conclusion, Chinese technologies lead to China’s prosperity and the growth of its population. It also developed trade contributing to China’s expansion. As a result, today Chinese technologies are known as the most advanced and influential in the

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