How I Conquer My Everyday Life

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How I Conquer My Everyday Life Going from 1 child to two was easy. Now, 3, that is a challenge. When I found out I was pregnant with my third child, I immediately gasped; then my tears started to trickle down my cheeks. From that moment, my life, started to change drastically; again. My life has become remarkably beautiful in many ways. I am now 28 years old with three fascinating children. My oldest daughter is now 10 years old, her name is Ava Lalaine. My youngest daughter is 18 months old, her name is Leah Marie. Then there is my son, stuck in between 2 girls, and he loves being their only brother. His name is Camden Sky and is now 5 years old. Being a mom is a lifetime journey of new experiences that will bring both joy and sorrow. I make sure to embrace every single moment. Even the moments that are not so pleasant. This fall, I have started my college education for the first time since graduating high school. My first assignment was to write an introduction about myself. So my Professor, classmates, and I could get to know each other. My first thought was, I am a mom. To my children, my name is: Mommy. One of the best parts of being a mom is, that I get to experience, on a daily basis, all of my children's achievements. Witnessing and observing the confident, creative, beautiful, unprejudiced little people they are becoming. This helps me remember that the obstacles in life, have brought me all the glorious things in my life. I am confident there is much more to come. Every moment is a new adventure. I have finally realized they are all growing up so fast. And there is absolutely, nothing, I can do about it; except; I can be proud. Everything they do is with such an innocence and sense of awe. Life now, has more value. I experience pure joy when I watch them learn, smile, giggle, get embarrassed, or master something new. Being a

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