How Has Participation Declined in the Uk in Recent Years?

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One sign that participation has declined in the UK in recent years is the average turnout in elections. The average election turnout in the years 1945-1992 was above 75% of the British population voting, we can see a gradual decrease in participation as in 1997, 71% of the country voted in the elections, and in 2001 only 59% voted. However, we do see a gradual increase in 2010, as 65% voted. Voting is essential for Britain as it allows people to have a say in who is leading our country, and most importantly proves that Britain is a democracy. Another sign that political participation has declined in the UK is the idea of Partisan dealignment. This idea means that people increasingly identify less closely with political parties than they used to. For example, 50 years ago it was common for the working class to vote Labour, but now there is less of a distinction between party and classes. Partisan dealignment is a major reason why participation has declined in the UK in recent years because there is a further gap between political parties and the public, so people are unsure who they want to vote for. Party membership has decreased over recent years which correlate into less people voting. In 1980, 4.12% of electorate were party members; fallen to 0.95% in 2008. The Labour party, 1950, has more than 1 million members and in 2009 it has fallen to 166,000. The Conservative party, 1950 had 2.8 million members and in 2009 it has also fallen dramatically to only 250,000. This means there are not enough activists to engage voters, because if you are a member of a political party you will help with posters, propaganda, spreading the ideologies of your party, but with fewer members joining than in past years, there will be fewer members voting which suggests that fewer people are taking an interest in politics and participation. In conclusion, Political participation has
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