How God Changes Your Brain Book Review

329 Words2 Pages
I enjoyed How God Changes Your Brain very much as an informative and entertaining piece of literature. It is interesting to read a comparatively scientific argument in favor of the belief in God, as opposed to a philosophical or personal/anecdotal argument. The book doesn’t directly answer the question, ‘Does God exist’, which is a good thing because God’s existence should only be addressed at a personal, individual level. Instead, the book talks about the mental and psychological effects that the belief in God may cause. It cites many peer-reviewed experiments, in which people are subjected to certain mental tests and questions. The book concludes that overall, faith can positively influence one’s subconscious mental activities if they truly believe that God can help them. One of the problems with the book is a lack of acknowledgement that strong, passionate belief can cause harmful actions. The Crusades and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were both initiated by people who interpreted their faith as a means to take harmful action against a group of people who do not share their faith. It’s important to address this danger, and although faith can certainly create the benefits described in How God Changes Your Brain, it’s irresponsible to ignore that faith, being a psychological tool, can be used for both positive and negative means. A good part of How God Changes Your Brain is the author’s respect for people who do not share their beliefs. The book is more an explanation for why people like religion, rather than an argument for religion’s existence. Changes Your Brain doesn’t use literary prowess to emphasize a strong tone, but rather keeps a level and clear voice throughout the book, it has the opposite the tone of a preacher. I wish that the book addressed why some people firmly reject or accept faith, on a psychological basis. Overall, How God Changes Your Brain is an
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