How Far Does Forster Portral Lucy as a Feminist in Romm with a View

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To what extent does E.M Forster present the character of Lucy as a feminist in ‘A Room with a View’? In ‘The feminine note in literature’ written after the publication of ‘A Room with a View’ Forster explores the notion of woman as writers. He argues that women are more prone to ‘embodying their ideals, or personal worthiness in some human being’, finding this to be a flaw or ‘limitation in some women’s writing. However In ‘A Room with a View’ we see Forster’s interest in the aesthetic quality of woman’s writing with his representation of Lucy, a middleclass girl who attempts to transgress social boundaries. Forster’s use of a pastoral setting, poetical language and characterisation of Lucy seem to restrict her as a feminist just as criminally as Cecil’s idealised portrayal of ‘Lucy as a piece of art’, leaving the reader with an unfulfilled and disappointing protagonist. Therefore one would agree with Freida Lawrence’s opinion: ‘your women I don’t understand. You seem to dislike them much’, as well as Rae H. Stoll’s, who finds Forster’s fiction misogynous, as Forster lack of sympathy towards feminism is only too obvious to the 20th century critiques (Lawrence) and to today’s modern critiques (Stoll). ‘A room with a View’ is a novel in which the contextual influence of the emerging feminist movement, such as the Women's Social and Political Union, during the early 20th century is obviously present, revealing Foresters acute awareness of the social change in which he was writing. However despite these feminist influences, Forster is recorded to have been critical of his close friend, Virginia Woolf’s writing, arguing that ‘there are spots of it all over her work, and it was constantly on her mind’. In ‘A Room With A View’, Forster litters his own narrative with references to the stereotypical differences between the male and the female such as ‘a girl ought to be
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