How Far Do You Agree with the View That 'the Lotos-Eaters and Choric Song' Is a Condemnation of Drug Taking?

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How far do you agree with the view that 'The Lotos-eaters and Choric Song' is a condemnation of drug taking? Many could assume that 'The Lotos-eaters ad Choric Song' supports drug taking; Tennyson paints an idyllic, lazy, atmosphere associated with the taking of the Lotos flower through his beautiful imagery of the 'languid air' and 'petals from blown roses on the grass',which even goes so far as to imply the island is sweeter than perfection, its easy to see the attraction both the island and the drug hold. This attraction clearly captivates the sailors; it's suggested by their rhetorical questions they are reasoning with themselves to stay and take up the mellow life style of the Lotos eaters. This is seen through the contrast of the beginning stanza of the song which emits a calming and slow tone mirrored by the diction of 'deep..creep..sleep', and the following stanza in which they complain of the 'perpetual moan' the prospect and memory of toil causes them. It is within this stanza that we begin to see the sailors seeking to lose themselves in the 'half-dream' like state the Lotos flower brings, thus neglect any social responsibility they may have. In itself this can be seen as a condemnation of drug taking; Tennyson is clearly presenting this in a negative way. The audience will be inclined to disapprove of the sailors bid for freedom against the responsibilities they have, this contrasts with the 'Courage!' Odysseus commanded them to hold on landing at the island, thus Tennyson presents them as weak-willed, unlike Odysseus. They are also presented as quite shallow by being persuaded so easily by the beauty of the island; one one hand Tennyson uses this to emphasise its evident attraction yet on the other hand we would not expect Odysseus' mariners to be persuaded by such thing as a 'charmed sunset' or a 'silent autumn night' presenting their weakness as

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