How Effective Are Backbench Mps?

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How effective are back bench MP’s Backbench MP’s are critical for UK democracy. They are effective because they allow for high standard scrutiny of the government which holds them accountable for their actions to the people. They help in representing the electorate. However there are some circumstances in which MPs are less effective and have little control, for example the UK party system which is enforced by whips. Firstly, back bench MPs are effective because they are a good way of increasing legitimacy and representation in terms of their constituency as they have been voted in by their electorate and therefore should represent the views of those in their constituency. They also hold ‘surgery’s’ where people from their constituency ask the MP questions. This gives the MP an idea of what the people in his constituency are concerned about, meaning they can try and bring up these issues in Parliament, making them effective. However, not all MPs are effective because they do not necessarily represent the views of the people in their constituency who didn’t vote for them. They also are ineffective at representing their constitution because out of 650 MPs, only 147 of them are female, and even fewer are ethnic minorities which means they are not effectively representing the population. Secondly, MPs are effective because they scrutinise and hold the government to account with questions. They can scrutinise the opposition, or if they are rebels for example, Nadine Dorries, they can scrutinise their own party. Recently, MPs have become even more under the Speaker John Berkow who has allowed increasing amounts of urgent questions, 25 in his first year. There is also the 10 minute question time, and ballot box at the end of Question Time. This is when an MP is selected to give a speech lasting no longer than 10 minutes, and they get picked out
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