The Dramatic Tension of Act 3 Scene 1 in Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'

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Romeo and Juliet analytical essay William Shakespeare was an English playwright and a poet, regarded as the greatest writer in English history. He was born Stratford-upon-Avon on the 23 April 1564 and died in 1616 on his birthday. His surviving works consist of 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems and 38 plays, of which the most widely known are Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Much Ado about Nothing, and Romeo & Juliet. In writing Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's ultimate motive was always to entertain an audience. Authors and playwrights often put things in their works that also make people think. That is because pure entertainment starts to become static and somewhat repetitive after a while. Making people think means having to consider the politics of the time, historical events that are related to the story, fashions, or existent social circumstances of the time. Shakespeare's motives weren’t all that different from the purposes and reasons of other authors or playwrights at any other time. Act 3 Scene 1 can be described as the plot climax because it is the part of the play with the most dramatic tension. Also, some of the events prior to the scene, lead up to Tybalt wanting to kill Romeo. And the events following Act 3 Scene 1 are causes of the two duels. In act 2 Scene 6, the rising action of the play, Romeo and Juliet are married in secret in Friar’s cell. This brings a serene mood to the course of events and has a positive effect on the audience. This scene creates a contrast with Act 3 Scene 1 because the two scenes carry a good and a bad string of events, respectively. Act 3 Scene 1, opens with Mercutio and Benvolio strolling the streets of Verona. Benvolio opens the scene: "I pray thee good Mercutio let's retire.The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, and if we meet we shall not escape a brawl. " He does not wish to encounter the
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