How Does Fitzgerald Tell the Story in Chapter One of Great Gatsby

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How does Fitzgerald tell the story in Chapter One of ‘The Great Gatsby’? Fitzgerald uses form to tell the story of ‘The Great Gatsby’ in chapter one. He does this through Nick’s perspective. Fitzgerald introduces Nick as a first person narrator, but also as self-conscious through saying ‘-gives his name to this book’ which outlines this book as a novel about a novel. The first person narrative means that the reader is more likely to trust Nick’s account of events because we hear it from his point of view but is also unreliable as it is biased and not omniscient. Fitzgerald also retracts this trust within the first few paragraphs as Nick tells us he is ‘inclined to reserve all judgement’ before going on to say how ‘a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth’. This is ironic as he says he is not judgemental, and then makes a judgment in the same paragraph which simultaneously reduces the reliability of his narration. Fitzgerald also uses the setting of the chapter to tell the story. He does this through the differences between East Egg and West Egg; ‘their dissimilarity in every particular aspect except shape and size’ which indicates that the two locations are completely different. Tom and Daisy’s house in East Egg is described as ‘cheerful’, ‘bright’, ‘glowing’ and ‘gold’, all of which depict a positive image of East Egg and indicate signs of wealth, glamour and settled aristocracy. Whilst West Egg houses are more like Nick’s, described as an ‘eyesore’, or like ‘Gatsby’s’, described as ‘colossal’ which signifies the extravagant displays of wealth that are poor in taste. This difference in image, as well as the significance of the ‘courtesy bay’ between the two places, symbolises the divide between the social classes of the ‘new’ and ‘old’ money. Fitzgerald also uses numerous language techniques to tell the story in chapter one of
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