How Does Bronte Make Effective Use Of Gothic...

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How does Bronte make effective use of gothic elements in the first 3 chapters of Wuthering Heights? In the first chapter of Wuthering Heights the reader is immediately drawn in by the gothic tone in Bronte’s language, she effectively uses vocabulary to captivate the reader into the characters sequestered lives. The strange ‘solitary’ man who receives Mr. Lockwood does so in a discourteous manor. However his curious, almost gentleman-like exterior may appear, Mr. Lockwood encounters a particularly gothic character with ‘black eyes’ displaying his possible danger. Bronte uses ‘desolation’ to highlight Heathcliff’s emptiness, therefore enticing the reader to discover why Heathcliff is so hollow. The Gothic setting that is Wuthering Heights only adds to the unnerving atmosphere. Mr. Lockwood clarifies Wuthering as the ‘significant provincial’ thus Bronte is using Pathetic Fallacy to build up the Gothic imagery, creating suspense. The ‘vast oak dresser’, the ‘huge fireplace’ all build up a description, generating an image of Wuthering Heights as a grand, machismo piece of architecture; the morbid coldness of the heights is personified through Heathcliff and his suspicious ways. He uses words like ‘grotesque’ to portray the gargoyles on the wall and uses ‘villainous’ to describe the ornaments that are around the living room. By describing the design of Wuthering Heights as scary and suspicious, Bronte makes the reader tense and unsettled. Mr. Lockwood’s remark stating that Heathcliff will, “Love and hate, equally undercover,” brings to light Heathcliff as a passionate lover but an equally passionate hater. Not only are his emotions zealous, Heathcliff will put on a façade to conceal his true passion. Lockwood is curious about Heathcliff, as well as the reader, questions about him are emerging, and Bronte used this to build up his mysterious character. Many questions are
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