How Did Liberalism Influence The Constitution

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Liberalism In the Constitution The U.S. Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 to replace the Articles of Confederation. The first thing the Constitution did was take away the power from the states and gives it to the federal government. (PowerPoint, “How did the Constitution strengthen the federal government”). The Constitution separates the government into three powers to ensure equality among all the groups in congress. The Constitution also creates a form of government so each branch stays in tack and the people stay protected from government tyranny and also gives an equal opportunity for everyone’s voice to be heard. Liberalism has had many view points through out the years that have varied in many ways, but one thing that has stayed constant is that they all work parallel with freedom and equality. Due to the liberal influence from people like Locke and Jefferson, the Constitution is mainly liberal and it shows in the…show more content…
He believed in “Life, Liberty, and Property.” One of the main framers that John Locke influenced majorly was a classical liberal and that was Thomas Jefferson. (Stephenson 119) Jefferson once states, “Our liberty depends upon the freedom of the press.” He played a big role in the creation of the Bill of Rights, which are all about equality and being liberal. He was the one who contacted Madison and told him to ratify the constitution because it lacked a bill of rights and the failure to provide for rotation in office. James Madison was the father of the Constitution and drafted the Bill Of Rights, which is all about equality. To make the people feel equally powered with the government and Madison was a liberal. Lastly, Ben Franklin was a liberal framer that influenced his beliefs on the Constitution. He agreed with Locke and his enlightenment ideas and that people should have

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